On Her Plate
On Her Plate introduces us to a conscious way of thinking about the human and earth connection; What properties can be found in nature and how closely does the human body interact with them? What are we doing that counteracts the natural balance of our body and planet? We explain what vitamin and mineral deficiencies look and feel like; What makes up the human body and how do we properly replenish? Learn from many perspectives, our authors are retired nurses, nutritionists, biology majors, personal trainers, and everyday women.
We explore exercise regimens, common obstacles women face, and female hormonal issues and cancers. We dive into how our mindset, busyness, and confidence–or lack thereof, is steering our eating habits.
At times, a woman has too much on her plate with responsibilities around: education, work, family, friends, home, health, and chasing her dreams while being a constant support to others. Our society has too much on its plate with disagreeances, fluctuating economy, and a growing population. Our earth has so much on her plate, including pollution, man made chemicals, rising temperature, compromised land, and droughts as a result of human actions. The stressors we face within our internal and external environment can lead to stress eating: too much of the wrong food on our plate which can influence disease. Our society over consumes and gravitates towards quick fixes and unnatural foods. It is hard to stay on top of health when battling stress, but we don’t realize the sheer impact our lifestyle has on our mortality, and our world. We are pumping unnatural behavior into ourselves and our planet. We seem to forget we can’t live without earth. Our world is then compromised and struggles to grow enough nutrient dense food because of high demand as well as human alterations to crops. Nothing wins.
But it doesn’t have to be this way.
This book shares real health experiences from women, paired with yummy, nutrient dense recipes that are familiar such as soups, pasta, and chocolate chip muffins, but wait! In an effort to reduce added hormones in the diet, no dairy, eggs, or animal byproducts were used, and gluten-free options are provided. We offer solutions to fill your plate with color, vitamins, and minerals, variety being key, without drastic changes to the everyday lifestyle, while keeping meals delicious and filling!